Subject | Reference | Date | Documents Issued |
WIPO API Catalog for Intellectual Property |
C.CWS 185 | 2024.07.15 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities in 2023 |
C.CWS 183 | 2024.04.18 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Trademark Information Activities in 2023 | C.CWS 182 | 2024.04.18 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Patent Information Activities in 2023 | C.CWS 181 | 2024.04.18 | |
Recommendations on ICT and IP administration | C.CWS 180 | 2024.04.15 | |
WIPO Standard ST.91 Implementation Survey | C.CWS 179 | 2024.03.05 | |
WIPO Standards Related Meetings Calendar for 2024 | C.CWS 178 Rev. 2 | 2024.03.25 | |
Request for IPOs to provide their Authority Files | C.CWS 177 | 2024.02.07 | |
Participation in the Task Forces of the Committee on WIPO Standards | C.CWS 175 | 2023.09.21 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 The Kingdom of the Netherlands and Iceland | C.CWS 174 | 2023.09.15 | |
Eleventh Session of the CWS (CWS/11) | C.CWS 173 | 2023.08.29 | |
WIPO API Day 2023 | C.CWS 172 | 2023.04.06 | |
Consultation on Revised Proposal for Copyright Orphan Work Metadata | C.CWS 171 | 2023.04.04 | |
Nomination of Experts to the Digital Transformation Task Force | C.CWS 170 | 2023.03.31 | |
Request for IPOs to provide their Authority Files | C.CWS 169 | 2023.02.17 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Patent Information Activities in 2022 | C.CWS 168 | 2023.02.08 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities in 2022 | C.CWS 167 | 2023.02.08 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Trademark Information Activities in 2022 | C.CWS 166 | 2023.02.08 | |
WIPO Standards Related Meetings Calendar for 2023 | C.CWS 165 | 2023.02.07 | |
Tenth Session of the CWS (CWS/10) | C.CWS 163 | 2022.09.01 | |
Survey on Representation of Calendar Dates | C.CWS 162 | 2022.08.02 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 Türkiye | C.CWS 161 | 2022.06.22 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Patent Information Activities in 2021 | C.CWS 160 | 2022.06.01 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities in 2021 | C.CWS 159 | 2022.06.01 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Trademark Information Activities in 2021 | C.CWS 158 | 2022.06.01 | |
WIPO Sequence Suite 2.0.0 Launch | C.CWS 157 | 2022.05.17 | |
Consultation on Proposal for Copyright Orphan Work Metadata Management | C.CWS 156 | 2022.04.26 | |
Survey on Digital Transformation | C.CWS 155 | 2022.03.16 | |
Request for IPOs to provide their Authority Files | C.CWS 154 | 2022.02.09 | |
Ninth Session of the CWS (CWS/9) | C.CWS 153 | 2021.08.23 | |
Implementation plan of WIPO Standard ST.61 | C.CWS 152 | 2021.07.07 | Mapping table |
Survey on the priority of 40 Recommendations for ICT Strategies | C.CWS 151 | 2021.06.30 | |
Postponement of the big-bang implementation date of WIPO Standard ST.26 | C.CWS 150 | 2021.07.02 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities in 2020 | C.CWS 149 | 2021.05.28 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Trademark Information Activities in 2020 | C.CWS 148 | 2021.05.28 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Patent Information Activities in 2020 | C.CWS 147 | 2021.05.28 | |
Survey on Public Access to Patent Information Part 2 | C.CWS 146 | 2021.05.14 | |
Update of Patent Authority Files of Offices | C.CWS 145 | 2021.02.09 | |
CWS/8 Modification of Session Dates | C.CWS 144 | 2020.11.24 | |
Release of WIPO Sequence Version 1.0.0 | C.CWS 143 | 2020.11.13 | |
Eighth Session of the CWS (CWS/8) | C.CWS 135 and 136 | 2020.10.13 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities in 2019 | C.CWS 142 | 2020.07.21 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Trademark Information Activities in 2019 | C.CWS 141 | 2020.07.21 | |
Annual Technical Reports on Patent Information Activities in 2019 | C.CWS 140 | 2020.07.21 | |
Application Program Interface (API) Day of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) | C.CWS 139 | 2020.06.02 | |
Postponement of the 3D Task Force Meeting of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) | C.CWS 134 | 2020.03.23 | |
Two Surveys on Public Access to Patent Information and Numbering Systems | C.CWS 133 | 2020.02.17 | |
Invitation to the Meeting of the 3D Task Force | C.CWS 132 | 2020.02.07 | |
WIPO Sequence 1.0 Beta Launch | CWS.C.131 | 2019.11.29 | |
Nomination of Trademark Legal Expert to the Legal Status Task Force | C.CWS 130 | 2019.11.21 | |
Survey on the Use of 3D Models and 3D Images | C.CWS 129 | 2019.11.05 | |
Implementation plan of WIPO Standard ST.26 | C.CWS 128 | 2019.10.28 | |
Establishment of the API Task Force | C.CWS 127 | 2019.09.20 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2018 (Industrial Designs) | C.CWS 125 | 2019.06.14 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2018 (Trademarks) | C.CWS 124 | 2019.06.14 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2018 (Patents) | C.CWS 123 | 2019.06.14 | |
Seventh Session of the CWS (CWS/7) | C.CWS 116 / C.CWS 117 | 2019.04.17 | |
WIPO Standards Workshop on Name Standardization | C.CWS 115 | 2019.03.05 | |
WIPO Standards Workshop on Blockchain for Intellectual Property (IP) | C.CWS 114 | 2019.03.05 | |
Implementation of WIPO Standard ST.87 | C.CWS 113 | 2019.02.14 | |
Invitation to 2019 Session of the XML4IP Task Force of the CWS | C.CWS 112 | 2019.01.22 | |
Request for IPOs to provide their Authority Files | C.CWS 111 | 2018.12.18 | |
CWS Surveys on Use of Identifiers, Electronic Representations of Designs, and Supplementary Protection Certificates / Patent Term Extensions | C.CWS 110 | 2018.11.30 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 – EU | C.CWS 109 | 2018.11.29 | |
Establishment of CWS Task Forces: Blockchain, 3D and Digital Transformation Task Forces | C.CWS 108 | 2018.11.28 | |
Establishment of the ICT Strategy for Standards Task Force | C.CWS 107 | 2018.11.28 | |
Sixth Session of the CWS (CWS/6) | C.CWS 99 / C.CWS 100 | 2018.07.24 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2017 (Industrial Designs) | C.CWS 98 | 2018.06.25 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2017 (Trademarks) | C.CWS 97 | 2018.06.25 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2017 (Patents) | C.CWS 96 | 2018.06.25 | |
Invitation to 2018 Session of the XML4IP Task Force of the CWS | C.CWS 94 | 2018.02.15 | |
Nomination of Industrial Design Legal Expert to the Legal Status Task Force | C.CWS 93 | 2018.01.25 | |
Implementation of WIPO Standard ST.27 | C.CWS 92 | 2018.01.25 | |
Survey on the Use of WIPO Standards | C.CWS 89 / C.CWS 90 | 2017.11.30 | |
Update of the Survey on the Presentation of Priority Application Numbers | C.CWS 88 | 2017.11.02 | Annex - Questionnaire |
Establishment of Public Access to Patent Information Task Force, Design Representation Task Force and Name Standardization Task Force and new nominations for XML4IP Task Force | C.CWS 87 | 2017.08.16 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2016 (Industrial Designs) | C.CWS 86 | 2017.04.13 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2016 (Trademarks) | C.CWS 85 | 2017.04.13 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2016 (Patents) | C.CWS 84 | 2017.04.13 | |
Fifth Session of the CWS (CWS/5) | C.CWS 76 / C.CWS 77 | 2017.03.28 | Meeting page |
Transition from WIPO Standard ST.25 to WIPO Standard ST.26 for the presentation of Nucleotide and Amino Acid Sequence Listings | C.CWS 75 (C.PCT 1485 / C.CWS 75) | 2016.11.18 | Questionnaire |
Survey on the use of WIPO Standards | C.CWS 74 | 2016.08.09 | |
Survey on Numbering of Applications and Priority Applications - former practices | C.CWS 73 | 2016.06.15 | |
Establishment of Part 7 Task Force and Authority File Task Force | C.CWS 72 | 2016.06.14 | |
WIPO Standards workshop and meetings of the Task Forces | C.CWS 71 | 2016.06.08 | Workshop page |
Annual Technical Reports 2015 (Industrial Designs) | C.CWS 70 | 2016.04.25 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2015 (Trademarks) | C.CWS 69 | 2016.04.25 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2015 (Patents) | C.CWS 68 | 2016.04.25 | |
Reconvened Fourth Session of the CWS (CWS/4BIS) | C.CWS 62 / C.CWS 63 | 2016.02.08 | Meeting page |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 - XV | C.CWS 61 | 2016.01.26 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 - ZZ | C.CWS 60 | 2015.10.08 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2014 (Industrial Designs) | C.CWS 59 | 2015.07.31 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2014 (Trademarks) | C.CWS 58 | 2015.07.31 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2014 (Patents) | C.CWS 57 | 2015.07.31 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 - ZZ | C.CWS 56 | 2015.04.30 | |
Postponement of the reconvening of the fourth session of the Committee on WIPO Standards (CWS) | C.CWS 52 | 2015.03.24 | |
Revision of WIPO Standard ST.3 - UPOV | C.CWS 51 | 2014.12.22 | |
Update of Part 7.3 of the WIPO Handbook | C.CWS 50 | 2014.12.09 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2013 (Industrial Design) | C.CWS 49 | 2014.05.19 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2013 (Trademark) | C.CWS 48 | 2014.05.19 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2013 (Patent) | C.CWS 47 | 2014.05.19 | |
Fourth Session of the CWS (CWS/4) | C.CWS 41 / C.CWS 42 | 2014.02.21 | CWS/4/1 PROV. |
CWS Legal Status Task Force | C.CWS 40 | 2013.11.06 | |
CWS Trademark Standardization Task Force | C.CWS 39 | 2013.06.27 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2012 (Industrial Design) | C.CWS 38 | 2013.04.08 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2012 (Trademark) | C.CWS 37 | 2013.04.08 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2012 (Patent) | C.CWS 36 | 2013.04.08 | |
CWS/3 | C.CWS 30 / C.CWS 31 | 2013.02.11 | CWS/3/1 PROV. |
Survey on application numbering systems | C.CWS 28 | 2012.08.24 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2011 (Industrial Design) | C.CWS 26 | 2012.04.23 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2011 (Trademark) | C.CWS 25 | 2012.04.23 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2011 (Patent) | C.CWS 24 | 2012.04.23 | |
CWS Task Force on the revision of WIPO Standard ST.14 | C.CWS 27 | 2012.04.16 | |
CWS/2 | C.CWS 18 / C.CWS 17 | 2012.02.29 | CWS/2/1 PROV. |
Postponement of the Second Session of the Committee on WIPO Standards | C.CWS 16 | 2011.08.30 | |
Survey on the Implementation and Promotion of WIPO Standard ST.22 | C.CWS 15 | 2011.06.29 | |
Modification of the Administrative Instructions under the PCT - WIPO Standard ST.25 | C.CWS 14(C.PCT 1308 / C.CWS 14) | 2011.06.27 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2010 (Trademark) | C.CWS 13 | 2011.04.20 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2010 (Patent) | C.CWS 12 | 2011.04.20 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2010 (Industrial Design) | C.CWS 11 | 2011.04.20 | |
SEQL Task Force: CWS Task Force on the preparation of a recommendation on the presentation of sequence listings based on XML | C.CWS 10 | 2010.12.10 | |
Modification of the Administrative Instructions under the PCT - WIPO Standard ST.25 | C.CWS 09(C.PCT 1283 / C.CWS 09) | 2010.09.15 | |
CWS/1 | C.CWS 6 / C.CWS 5 | 2010.08.20 | CWS/1/1 PROV. |
Annual Technical Reports 2009 | C.CWS 4 | 2010.05.03 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2009 | C.CWS 3 | 2010.05.03 | |
Annual Technical Reports 2009 | C.CWS 2 | 2010.05.03 | |
WIPO Standard ST.22 – Recommendation for the Authoring of Patent Applications for the Purpose of Facilitating Optical Character Recognition (OCR) | C.CWS 1 | 2010.03.15 |
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