Hague System – Managing Registrations
Once you have obtained an international design registration, it's important to keep it up-to-date. You may need, for example, to make changes relating to ownership, to appoint or cancel a representative, or renounce an international registration, etc.
You can centrally manage all aspects of your international registration directly through WIPO – in some or all designated contracting parties, and for some or all of the designs covered.
Important – Changes to contact details
You MUST notify us of any changes in your contact details.
- For changes to email addresses only (applicants, holders and representatives) use Contact Hague. This service is free-of-charge. Reminder: WIPO does not share email addresses with any third party.
- For changes to postal addresses of holders, use Hague System form DM/6 and provide all international registration numbers concerned. You can upload your completed form(s) through our Hague System Document Upload service available via Contact Hague. Note: to use this service, you need to have a WIPO Account.
- For changes to postal addresses of appointed representatives, use eHague.
For changes to postal addresses of applicants prior to international registration, use Contact Hague and provide the international application number.