Mentoring Design Schools "Introductory Workshop on IP Fundamentals for Brand Designs and Launching of the Skill-based Action Learning and MentoringWIPO/IP/DEV/DAC/24June 2 to June 5, 2024Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Event on WIPO Mentorship Program for Managers of Copyright Management OrganizationsWIPO/CR/DAC/24June 4 to June 5, 2024Dhaka, Bangladesh
Workshop on the Utilization of Examination Work Products from other National Phases for Paris Convention or PCT Filings, October 16 to 19, 2022 and Awareness Raising Seminar for Patent Attorneys, October 20, 2022WIPO/PCT/DAC/22October 16 to October 20, 2022Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Training and Mentoring Program for Young Innovators: IP for Youth Innovation-Bangladesh-Phase II, Hybrid SettingWIPO/IP/INN/DAC/22October 10 to October 11, 2022Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Workshop on IP for Youth Innovation: Partnership with Young Innovators and Researchers of BangladeshWIPO/IP/INN/DAC/21December 12, 2021Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Dialogue on Brand Strategy for the Rangpurer Sataranji carpet industryWIPO/IP/DAC/2/21December 6, 2021Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Dialogue on Brand Strategy for the Bangladesh Black Tiger Shrimp industryWIPO/IP/DAC/21November 29, 2021Dhaka, Bangladesh
Establishment of a Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC) and Training ProgramWIPO/TISC/DAC/14June 18 to June 19, 2014Dhaka, Bangladesh
National Policy Forum on the Use of Intellectual Property for Technological Capacity Building, Economic Growth and DevelopmentWIPO/IP/DEV/DAC/11October 25 to October 26, 2011Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO Sub-Regional Forum for Intellectual Property Cooperation among the Member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)WIPO/IP/DAC/05December 12, 2005 to December 13, 2006Dhaka, Bangladesh
Joint WIPO-WTO Regional Workshop on Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)WIPO-WTO/IP/DAC/02December 11 to December 14, 2002Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO Sub-Regional Forum for Intellectual Property Cooperation Among Member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)WIPO/IP/SR/DAC/01March 20 to March 21, 2001Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO National Seminar on the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)PCT/SEM/530November 21 to November 22, 2000Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO Asian Regional Symposium on the Role of the Intellectual Property System in Augmenting Enterprise CompetitivenessWIPO/IP/DAC/99November 22 to November 24, 1999Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO Asian Seminar on the Implications of Intellectual Property and the TRIPS Agreement for Least Developed Countries (LDCs)WIPO/IP/DAC/98July 21 to July 23, 1998Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO National Seminar on the Implications of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)WIPO/IP/DAC/97April 8 to April 9, 1997Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO National Seminar on the Industrial Property System and Its Role in Promotion of Innovative and InventiveActivitiesWIPO/INN/DAC/95October 31 to November 2, 1995Dhaka, Bangladesh
WIPO-Bangladesh National Seminar on Copyright & Neighboring RightsWIPO/CNR/DAC/93October 25 to October 26, 1993Dhaka, Bangladesh
Asian Sub-Regional Seminar on Industrial Property Licensing & Technology Transfer ArrangementsWIPO/LIC/DAC/92November 2 to November 4, 1992Dhaka, Bangladesh
Seminar on the Role of Industrial Property in Technological and Economic DevelopmentBAN/IP/84March 27 to March 29, 1984Dhaka, Bangladesh